How to stand out from the crowd this Black Friday: Our top strategy tips for success

Black Friday is competitive… but you don't need us to tell you that. It’s arguably one of the biggest shopping days of the year, which means it’s one of your biggest chances to net some serious conversions. Unfortunately for you though, nearly every other business out there is thinking the exact same thing.

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October 16, 2024
How to stand out from the crowd this Black Friday: Our top strategy tips for success

Interview multiple candidates

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Search for the right experience

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  2. Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  3. Netus vestibulum dignissim scelerisque vitae.
  4. Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.

Ask for past work examples & results

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  • Netus vestibulum dignissim scelerisque vitae.
  • Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  • Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.
Vet candidates & ask for past references before hiring

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Once you hire them, give them access for all tools & resources for success

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The key to unlocking a truly successful campaign over Black Friday and Cyber Monday is to stand out. To do this, you need a solid strategy. We caught up with several Black Friday Kubix veterans and managed to get a few of their go to tips for ensuring you catch conversions in a sea of sales!

1. Every second counts.

When it comes to attracting customers, first impressions are everything. Whether it’s video content for an ad, or your website homepage, make sure to hook your audience within the first few seconds of them seeing your content. During Black Friday, you can do this by focusing on the enticing deals you’re offering, but you can also lean into clever creatives or a compelling headline to entice them into staying, exploring, and hopefully buying!

2. Don’t neglect your current audience.

It’s tempting to focus solely on attracting new customers during Black Friday, but your current audience is just as important! Returning customers already trust your brand, so there’s no need to spend crucial marketing budget hitting them with brand awareness. Instead, create personalised offers and utilise email campaigns tailored specifically to them. You can even segment out your audience to make the offers and creative you send feel like you’re speaking directly to them. Make sure your existing audience feels valued and catered to, and you’ll feel the benefit on Black Friday and beyond.

3.Strategise upselling and cross selling.

Black Friday is a great time to increase your already boosted sales by using upselling and cross-selling, but placement is key! Avoid overwhelming your customers during an already busy shopping experience by being unobtrusive with these kinds of promotions. Product pages are the perfect place to suggest upgraded versions of their selected item or complimentary products that might enhance a purchase. The checkout page is another prime spot for small but relevant upsells, such as accessories or gift wrapping, especially if they have a free shipping threshold to hit. Overall, it’s important to use clear, value driven language that explains why an additional product might benefit them, to avoid overwhelming the customer.

4. Track and utilise data.

Ok, we know this blog is about making an eye-catching Black Friday campaign. But that doesn’t just mean in regards to customers. If you really optimise your data tracking, you can make sure this campaign stands out for your business as well! Conducting a thorough audit of your tracking set up before Black Friday ensures you’re ready to collect relevant, actionable data, so double-check that your analytics tools, conversion tracking, and customer behaviour tracking are set up correctly.

The data you collect during Black Friday is invaluable for understanding your audience on a deeper level. By tracking metrics like customer demographics, product preferences, and shopping behaviours, not only can you make quick decisions about your current campaign, you can also tailor future marketing campaigns more effectively. Additionally, gathering information on abandoned carts, time spent on pages, and bounce rates can help identify friction points in your website, giving you opportunities to refine the customer journey for future promotions.

Remember, while Black Friday sales eventually end, the insights you gain from the data are timeless. Make this Black Friday stand out for your business, and gain as much insight as you can into your customer base.

5. Know your platforms.

It’s easy to default to tried and true platforms like Meta and Google Ads for Black Friday campaigns, but depending on your audience, other platforms might be more effective. Since Black Friday is saturated in advertising, it’s important to capitalise where you can. If you’re competing on a market that might not contain your target audience, you’re more likely to get outshined by a brand who feels more at home there. For example, furniture brands might be more likely to succeed on Pinterest over Facebook, while brands targeting a younger audience should look to Snapchat and TikTok. Research where your audience spends their time and focus your efforts there.

6. Plan for Every Touchpoint.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Or at least prepare to fade into the background. The key to a successful Black Friday campaign that stands out from the crowd is preparing every touch point, and doing it well in advance. That means don’t leave anything till the last minute! Ensure everything, from abandoned cart emails to transactional notifications, is ready to go. For example, updating transactional emails to warn customers of potential delivery delays during the busy shopping period will help ensure minimal disappointment if orders are taking a little longer than usual to ship.

From creating compelling hooks and personalised offers to tracking valuable data and leveraging upselling opportunities, these tactics will help your Black Friday campaign stand out not just from the competition, but from your previous and future campaigns too! Remember, Black Friday isn’t just about short-term gains, it’s a chance to build lasting customer relations and gather insights that can lead to long-term success.

Looking for some extra advice? Contact us here at Kubix! Trust us, we’re great at standing out from the crowd.

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